Today in Analogizin'

"The federal government is basically a drug dealer trying to give out free samples, or give people a taste, get them further addicted."

Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, comparing the Obama administration and health insurance "reform" to any number of people in my neighborhood who may or may not have health insurance.

"And I think we just say: 'No, thanks, we've had enough,' and get your own house in order, by the way, at the same time."

Speaking of interesting, word on the street (as the kids say) is that the President is black. Surely that couldn't have played into Pawlenty's insinuation that the White House is basically a drug house. *cough*

FWIW, I was unaware that drug dealers actually give out free samples. Maybe I need to rent New Jack City again for the first time in my life, really I swear.

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