
Currently on's front page, smack in the middle of their "Don't Miss" video section:

"Gay TV characters cause debate."

Nope. It's not the existence of gay television characters that "cause debate." It's homophobia that "causes debate."

The link leads to this video segment, which is titled "Too gay for TV?" and subtitled "While many praise prevalence of high-profile gay characters in primetime, some critics say it's bad for society," by which we can discern that the nature of this so-called "debate" is the same old "two sides to every issue" codswallop about which I've written previously.

What passes for "debate" as far as the media is concerned these days is a marginalized group of people and their allies asserting their right to inch toward equality, and the American Family Values Children Christian Liberty Freedom Patriot Association Foundation Organization screaming bigoted nonsense cloaked in some mendacious justification designed to be just religious or jingoistic enough that it's meant to be considered unassailable.

"Your having human rights makes the baby Jesus cry and undermines national security" isn't a debate position. It's horseshit.

The media needs to stop providing a bully pulpit to every hateful creepazoid who has the wherewithal to put together a business card in Microsoft Publisher and the temerity to claim to be an "expert" on American Families and the Homosexual Menace.

Here's a tip: Anyone who talks about "American Families" and "Gay People" as mutually exclusive groups should automatically be recognized as someone who doesn't know what the everloving fuck they're talking about.

That's it and that's all.

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