I have but one question.

Why is this not called "Who's the Teach?" Because it totes should be.

[Image Description: A picture of actor Tony Danza in a shirt and tie, next to a trailer for his new A&E reality TV show "Teach: Tony Danza," accompanied by the following show description: "Long before his iconic acting career, which includes roles in 'Taxi' and 'Who's The Boss,' Tony Danza received a degree in History Education. During the 2009-2010 school year, he took on his most challenging and rewarding role yet as he stepped into the classroom as a full-time teacher at Philadelphia's Northeast High School. 'Teach Tony Danza' follows the first year-teacher as he instructs a 10th-grade English class with 26 students."]

Lest anyone mistake my snark for bagging on teachers, I'm not. My parents were both public high school teachers, and two of my best childhood friends are public high school teachers; it is an honorable profession.

Particularly when it's done without the additional paycheck and glory that comes from doing it in front of the cameras of a reality television show.

[H/T to Deeks.]

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