Hood Ornaments

In case you weren't riveted to C-SPAN's coverage of the "Value Voters Summit" this past weekend, you might have missed the news that Indiana Congressman Mike Pence came in first in their straw poll for president in 2012. Sarah Palin came in fifth, behind such luminaries as Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney. I guess that tells you what this particular right-wing gathering thought of Ms. Palin; she's great on the stump, but even they don't want her to run for president. Or at least they'd rather have a white guy from Indiana.

It's interesting to note that the most prominent spokespeople for the Tea Party have been women: Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Sharron Angle, and now Christine O'Donnell. They're outspoken, occasionally charismatic and fun to watch as they give speeches, but when it comes to actually running for president or attaining a real leadership role in the default party of choice, none of them will be given any real power.

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