
This weekend, our local rescue had their annual Greyhound Picnic. Food! Music! Door prizes! And ONE BILLION greyhounds!

The weather was pretty dreary, unfortunately, and it was raining most of the time we were there, but it was still fun to see 100+ greyhounds running around together and being their comical, graceful selves. They are truly the most elegant goofballs. At one point, nearly the whole lot ran up the hill in one giant throng, curving around together like a school of fish, their collective gallop like a thundering orchestra. It was breathtaking.

Video description: Footage of the greyhounds in the ginormous dog run at the picnic, including some of Dudz running around and getting trampled (oof!) as all the dogs goof around. Set to Elizabeth Mitchell's cover of "Ladybug Picnic," which you can purchase here.

Pix below the fold…

Dudley and his doppelganger, Logan.

Dudley is wearing his racing muzzle in that picture because we were about to take him into the dog run, where muzzles are required just a safety precaution. Everywhere else at the picnic, they are allowed to be muzzle-free.

The Space Cowpokes' rescue in New Jersey also had their annual Greyhound Picnic this weekend, and Space Cowboy sent me this great pic of him with his boy Alfie, who is Dudley's fourth or fifth cousin:

"Who's such a good boy?!"

If you're interested in adopting a retired racer, you can find a rescue near you here.

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