
Text Onscreen: Dot.

A little white blond-haired girl (woman?) in a white shirt, blue skirt, and blue shoes, who looks to be made out of clay falls onto what looks to be plaid wool fabric. The left edge of the fabric unravels and curls and begins rolling toward her, making an ominous munching sound. Dot gasps and begins to run, as the rolling wool gives chase. She hops across the tops of coins, the edge of a paper bill, across the heads of screws and pins, along the top of a measuring tape, and keeps running, avoiding falling crystals, until she comes upon a bee. She hops on its back, and it flies over a sea of pencil gratings, and past a skyline of keys and iron files and tools, into a storm; Dot falls off and uses a flower as a parachute, landing just in time to begin running from the rolling wool again, which eventually catches her. Dot stands her ground, grabbing two nails and using them as swords to fight the rolling wool. It consumes her! She uses the nails as knitting needles and knits the wool into a blanket, which she then pulls over herself and goes to sleep, sighing contentedly.

Text Onscreen: The End. (Followed by credits.)
The hat tip goes to Shaker skirt, who found it here, and says: "Wow! A female protagonist who is by herself, saves herself, and is resourceful! Too bad she's microscopic. I now want a series of blockbusters devoted to Dot and her miniscule world." Me, too!

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