This is so the worst thing you're going to read all day.

Phyllis Schlafly: The feminist gestapo goes global.

our dear friend has gone positively apoplectic because the US State Department wants to create a position for an Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues:
The global reach of this new czar's activities opens the door for Obama's feminist constituency to dictate to other countries. The bill calls for a "comprehensive, five-year international strategy to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls internationally" and to set up "gender-integrated, comprehensive and holistic" plans in 20 countries.

This new feminist gestapo will support the "development and enforcement of civil and criminal legal and judicial sanctions, protections, trainings and capacity." And there's more: The bill authorizes U.S. money to be spent to develop "programs affecting social norms, community attitudes, and male and female participation in violence and response to victims."

Poor Phyllis. So much self-hatred, so little empathy.

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