Texting! With Liss and Deeky!

Deeky: Oy. Why am I in a meeting?

Liss: Because meetings are funtimes.

Deeky: No. They are not. Playing with my b-hole is funtimes. Meetings, not so much.

Liss: LOL!

Deeky: This just sucks. I need an escape chute.

Liss: Can you use your own butthole as a wormhole to another dimension?

Deeky: I have no idea. But I sure as fuck would be willing to try it. Do I need a crystal buttplug or something?

Liss: Try to wriggle into your own b-hole and zip yourself over to my place, Dr. Who-style.

Deeky: LOL! p.s. How hilarious is it that everyone is having an in-depth and serious conversation about SFA, and I'm talking with you about my butthole?

Liss: I don't even know what SFA is, and I can guarantee with absolute certainty I'd rather talk about your butthole than whatever it is.

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