Senate Confirmed Elena Kagan

Just a bit ago:
The Senate confirmed Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court, giving President Barack Obama his second appointment to the high court in two years while leaving its ideological balance unchanged.

The vote of 63-37 today was largely along party lines, with five Republicans supporting the nominee and one Democrat, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, opposing her.

Kagan, 50, a former Harvard Law School dean, will be the nation’s 112th justice, fourth woman and just the sixth member of the court who isn’t a white male. For the first time, the nine-member court will have three women as she joins Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Obama’s first appointee, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Congrats to Justice Kagan!

Related: Elena Kagan and Flagg 2.0; Swell; Speaking of Bipartipoop...; Quote of the Day; OFFS; Elena Kagan is Obama's SCOTUS Nominee

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