Friday Blogaround

Leave your links in comments, folks!

Renee: Death in the Family We Need Your Help
On Thursday August 05, I received a phone call to inform me that my 20 year old nephew had died. His name was Jesse James Cox and he was known as the gentle giant. He was 6'5 240 lbs. He was much loved by his mother, father, two brothers and extended family. Jesse always had time for everyone and a bear hug for everyone that needed it. As a family, we are absolutely devastated by his loss and this is magnified by the fact that we are unable to pay for his funeral. At the side bar you will find a donation box which I have placed to ask for help.

Grrlscientist: Foldit: Innovative Biology for Gamers
Guessing how a protein will fold up based on its DNA sequence is often too complex for even the most powerful computer programs. Now biochemists and computer scientists at my alma mater, the University of Washington, have collaborated to create Foldit, a free online computer game where online gamers do the work.

Arturo R. García: Race + Comics: How Open is Marvel's Runaways Casting Call?

Skeptifem: most dangerous jobs

John McKay: The First Trilobite
In their early days, scientific journals were much more generous than they are today about publishing letters from experimenters and collectors in all walks of life. The hard wall between scientists and amateurs had not yet been built and all literate people were, in theory, entitled to participate in the discussion.

Ladysquires: Grad Student Employment and Institutional Batshittery
If other graduate students are willing to do this sort of work for free and just be “thankful,” STOP. The truth is that if I hadn’t appealed to all of these people, if I had just sucked it up and worked essentially for free, it would be sending the message that universities can get away with this sort of thing. NO. STOP.

Sociological Images: Romanticizing Ancient Chinese Wisdom and BP's Oil Leak and Perceptions of Risk

HBO's fall documentary lineup includes an adaptation of Carrie Fisher's Wishful Drinking, Spike Lee's If God Is Willing & Da Creek Don't Rise, and Martin Scorsese's Fran Lebowitz doc Public Speaking (Via)

Ideas in food: Ice Spheres and Aromatic Eggplant

Flickr Blog: Ninja Cat

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