Another Brief Encounter

Saturday afternoon, I was in the kitchen when I heard a commotion upstairs in the loft. I thought the cats and dog were fucking around or something, but when I walked out into the living room, all four of them were there. Clunk clatter clickity-click. I realized the sound was coming from the roof—and as I peered up, the pigeon who visited us last weekend hopped onto one of the skylights and strode around, occasionally stopping to peer down and try to get a glimpse of what was inside.

Hop flap clunk clatter clickety-click. Now zie was in the other skylight.

I watched hir for awhile, took a few snaps, and then went out to the porch and cooed at hir, tossing some cracker crumbs into the yard in case zie was hungry.

We're either a perfectly-positioned resting point on hir messenger route, or else a pigeon is considering adopting us.

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