What I'm Listening To

The Rescues, "We're Ok"

(There's no transcription necessary for the video; it's just the song against a static anime image. Lyrics below, transcribed by BrianWS.)

Thanks so much to BrianWS for passing this along. He emails (which I'm posting with his permission):
So the quick back story is that this band, The Rescues, is like my musical fantasy. The two ladies in the band are Kyler England and Adrianne (an excellent lesbian singer-songwriter who has routinely broken my heart over and over with her music throughout the years), both of whom had long and successful solo careers and both of whom I've spent way too much money on in ITunes.

They teamed up with two guys from LA, as they were all sort of doing their own solo things in the local scene, and The Rescues is the end result. The harmonies are amazing, the lyrics are honest and earnest, and the entire sound is just incredibly organic and not manufactured by anything other than their individual songwriting all coming together. Lots of call and response pieces throughout the CD, super-thick harmonies that absolutely blow my mind...blah blah blah I'm a total fanboy, but they're the first band that I really feel like I'm engaging with in a very long time -- and that's something I've missed since I stopped playing shows and writing as much as I used to.
Desert sand fills up your boots
You promise not to run
California won't grow roots
They burn up in the sun

I'm lost but I'm not afraid
So what if nothing's taking hold?
All the plans that you made
Let 'em go

Falling down in the dirt
We're OK
We are tired, we are hurt
We're OK
Crashing cars, dying stars
I can love you like you are
Hit the wall, have to crawl
Even if we lose it all
We're OK

Torn dress, broken heart
Stumble to the ground
Feel the eyes rip you apart
They try to take you down
Oh, but they'll never break us down

Falling down in the dirt
We're OK
We are tired, we are hurt
We're OK
Crashing cars, dying stars
I can love you like you are
Hit the wall, have to crawl
Even if we lose it all
We're OK

I know you don't believe it
Sometimes I don't believe it
Together we'll fall
Don't matter at all
You're the one you gotta forgive

Falling down in the dirt
We're OK
We are tired, we are hurt
We're OK
Crashing cars, dying stars
I can love you like you are
Hit the wall, have to crawl
Even if we lose it all
Sirens wail, empty sail
Not enough cups to bail
Bad luck getting good
You don't want it like you should
Empty out your bank account
You know you can live without
Hit the wall, have to crawl
Even if we lose it all

We're OK
We're OK

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