Today in Rape Culture, Canadian-style

The Globe & Mail reports that the province of Ontario has provided funding for four centres in the province where men can receive counselling and support related to their being sexually abused.

I think I'd be more excited about this if I didn't know that most of the centres which are available for women for the same issues are chronically underfunded. It is important, absolutely, and I'm glad that men who have been sexually abused will be able to get support.

But it's another brick in the wall of rape culture: rape is at its worst when it happens to men, therefore the government should fully fund some institutions to look after them. Which wouldn't bother me, again, if it weren't that the network of centres which women have built in their communities across this province have to fight for every dollar they can get from the government.

Tip of the CaitieCap again to MzR.

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