Today in no, not really

You may have heard that the Republicans are still *totes* concerned about budget deficits, the future, the children, wev...

Indeed: What. Ever.

I was a nerdy political kid in the 80s, and the biggest thing I heard over and over and over again was about how the US needed to invest bazillions of dollars in the disinterestedly-named Strategic Defense Initiative, which as far as I can tell was a bunch of cartoons lifted from sci-fi literature. (Seriously, the Wikipedia entry contains like, three potential Floyd album covers.)

And then there was Iraq. And then Iraq again. And also Afghanistan. And of course, our government's efforts in Latin America (and really, *everywhere*) that were the organic herb-infused Aïoli on the massively over-priced sandwich that's been American foreign policy since before I was born.

What I'm saying is this: Your newfound concern about the deficit? I'm not buying it.

Whenever it's time (and really, when isn't it time?) to provide social services to working Americans (including, interestingly enough, veterans), there's not enough money. Whenever multi-national corporations have interests that need defending, whenever there are resources in the Global South, it's loans ahoy!

The bigger question is: why is nobody with power calling the Republicans on this? It's hardly as if I've hit on some sort of super secret pattern here.

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