The Reluctant Activist

Constance McMillen didn't want to become an activist. She just wanted to take her girlfriend to the prom.

We all know how that turned out. But something kind of cool happened along the way: In the months since McMillen was nudged into the spotlight, she has become a nationally recognized activist for LGBT causes. And the activism is something she's not only embraced, but has no plans on giving up:

I know I will continue to be an activist because through all of this, I have met a lot of people. I have heard a lot of horror stories so it's really made me realize how important it is to be an activist. Because, you hear some of these stories and you are like, 'how can you not be an activist?' You know, because some of them are really heartbreaking.

Wow. I have nothing but respect for this woman.

[Via Andy.]

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