I Don't Get Tough With Adults. My Lawyer Does.

(TW for Polanski, and for the usual coy refusal by news media to acknowledge the existence of rape in favor of referring to "sex" which might conceivably be of the not very nice kind, but who's to say, certainly not us)

From msn.com:
Roman Polanski's lawyers have issued a statement calling for an investigation into the U.S. refusal to provide requested evidence to Swiss authorities in his 33-year-old sex case.

The one-page statement released Tuesday in Los Angeles made no personal reference to Polanski or his reaction to Monday's ruling freeing him from Swiss custody.

It was the first defense comment since the Swiss refused to extradite Polanski to the U.S.

The attorneys asked for the appointment of a commission by the California governor or attorney general to look into possible official misconduct in the 1977 case

They said the Los Angeles County district attorney purposely withheld the material sought because it would have undermined the extradition request. They refused further comment.
The evidence the Swiss government had been refused was sealed testimony given earlier this year by a former prosecutor, to be used in a future hearing in case the elderly man was not then available.

Current L.A. District Attorney Steve Cooley says that not being given that testimony was used by the Swiss as an excuse to free Polanski. Said Cooley:
The Swiss could not have found a smaller hook on which to hang their hat.
So, in this latest volley issued by Polanski's attorneys, calling for the impoverished state of California to appoint a special commission to investigate the refusal by its court system to allow its functions to be taken over by the Swiss government, do we smell a potential lawsuit on behalf of the poor, victimized Polanski, or merely a self-satisfied rubbing of the noses of those attempting to bring him to justice in their failure to do so?

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