How Many?!?!

Those were the words in my head as I watched this film, by Isao Hashimoto, on the history of nuclear testing, from 1945-1998 (SFW, if work is okay with extensive beeping; can be viewed without sound effectively). Purposely displayed completely without language (to be comprehensible as visual art without regard to audience language), the film takes a one-second-per-month look at a world map, as flashes of various sizes denote nuclear tests between the abovementioned years. Counters with flags above and below the map show the countries which have performed each test and a running count, while the map flashes are colour-coded (and tone-coded) to show the testing nation. The tones build to an almost melodic level, which is chilling when it occurs what's being represented.

I'm 44, or nearly. In my lifetime, there have been over 1200 nuclear tests, more than half of those by one country: the United States.

Just sayin'.

Tip of the CaitieCap to Arkadia.

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