Doctor Who Open Thread: S5E13: The Big Bang

One last time, now we're in the post-season letdown, it's time for obsessive wankery about all kinds of minutiae!

That is to say, it's a Doctor Who Open Thread! W00t!

Please be aware that there may or will be or will have been or will have going to be or...well, the lovely lady said, SPOILERS!

Spoilers may exist in this thread, in some relation to the timestream, for any and all Doctor Who media up to the end of the rebooted Season 5.

The only thing I'll say out here, in case anyone's not seen it yet, is OMM I THINK I JUST BECAME A RORY 'SHIPPER.

This is startling because I have never said that about myself in respect to any character in any show ever. But after that episode, I have to say, Rory, OMM, I love you.

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