Wednesday Blogaround

Brought to you by Shaxco, makers of the Shaker Trolling Motor - all the best for your fishing needs.

The FWord are doing a fundraising drive.
- If you've got it to spare, they're one of our feminist sister sites, and they could use the help.

Built on Facts: Zero-Point Free Lunches
- one of my favourite geekout blogs, this is a fairly typical example of their posts. I don't get most of the math, but the discussion and comments are totally cool.

Nnedi's Wahala Zone Blog: Some remaining thoughts on Avatar (CC: Cameron's, not The Last Airbender), and two new reviews of Who Fears Death
- the very talented Nnedi Okorafor, with a different (and thought-provoking) take on Avatar than largely seen from the progressive community, as well as two new reviews of her newest book.

Edit: I'm not sure what happened to this post, but I swear it was there yesterday. Anyway, Ms. Okorafor's blog is full of awesome (as is her writing), so go there anyway.

The Pursuit of Harpyness: Challenging the Dominant Story of Masculinity
- Harpy SarahMC on a youth development program aimed at challenging the rape culture and the construct of masculinity among young men.

The Feminist Agenda: Some Thoughts on Religion and Sexual Abuse and Patriarchy and Forgiveness (Trigger warning: sexual abuse)
- This is very hard to read, and very worth the effort. Take the trigger warning seriously.

Bird of Paradox: Malawi: Tiwonge Chimbalanga is reportedly missing (Trigger warning: post contains quotes from articles with transphobic language)
- I don't recall having seen this mentioned here, and I'm sorry I hadn't gotten to doing it myself (personal reasons, much going on this week): the couple in Malawi who'd been jailed for their reportedly "gay" wedding are in fact a hetero couple, where one of the partners is trans. The woman of that couple, Tiwonge Chimbalanga, has been missing for several days now.

What Tami Said: What Tami Said can save you $8 - my review of "Sex and the City 2"
- What it says on the package: a skewering review of the multiple intersecting empathy failures at the heart of the new movie.

K. Tempest Bradford: Thoughts on Jay Lake's Continued Ass-showing
- A post which touched home with me after the "A Girl Like Me" thread this week, showing concrete examples of exactly the sort of thing PlusSizedWomanist was trying so hard to push through my thickness. I do learn, eventually.

Womanist Musings: Woman Has Her Mobility Scooter Taken By Police
- Renee on an incident in Scotland, and the ablism involved in taking away a person's mobility.

Mongoose Chronicles: Newsclips and Quotes: Still Working on that Unexplained Stigma
- Mar with a wry take on the chairman of an AIDS foundation and his totally croggling statement about PWA and the "unexplained stigma" to which they are all too often subject.

Tiger Beatdown: Welcome to the Menaissance Festival
- Sady with a totally unusual (for her) very snarky post about the "menaissance", a portmanteau that (I feel, in my Totally! Unbiased! Way!) should die the same death as "bromance" and "metrosexual" and all the other sneering enforcers of traditional masculinity (that is to say, oppressive masculinity).

Drop your links in comments, Shakers, and get reading.

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