Texting! With Liss and Deeky!

Yesterday morning…

Deeky: Your favourite movie is D.A.R.Y.L.

Liss: Yours is Mac and Me.

Deeky: LOL! You wish!

Liss: I DO wish! I used my last birthday wish before blowing out the candles to wish your favorite movie were Mac and Me.

Deeky: LOL!

Liss: I also blew on a puffed dandelion the other day and wished you loved Mac and Me more than any other movie.

Deeky: "Blew on a puffed dandelion"? LOL. That sounds sooooo gay.

Liss: Every wishbone for the past two years has been dedicated to the same cause. WHY ISN'T MAC AND ME YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE YET?! The universe just isn't listening to me.

Deeky: Are you using The Secret?

Liss: I am using The Secret. I spend one hour every morning visualizing Mac and Me being your favorite movie.

Deeky: LOL! You just like to spend an hour a day visualizing me.

Liss: I like visualizing you blowing on a puffed dandelion. Named Chad.


Liss: OMG it is like some kind of fucking monsoon here.

Deeky: It was like that here on Saturday. All of the patio furniture, including the heavy-ass table, blew across the yard.

Liss: That was how it was here Friday night, too. Weird weather so far this summer.

Deeky: Totally weird. And all my forsythias are dying. And my new pine. WTF? I thought fags were supposed to be good at taking care of plants.

Liss: Your homo card is being revoked.

Deeky: Should be revoked anyway. Since I'm not blowing on any puffed dandelions.

Liss: That's just another reason to move to Chicago… Hot gay men as far as the wiener can see.

Deeky: LOL! Wienervision!

Liss: "Deeky Does Dallas…now in Wienervision!"

Late last night…

Deeky: Are you on xbox?

Liss: Iain is playing Brokeback Mountain Redemption or wev that cowboy game is. He says you need to get it, so you can play on xbox live.

Deeky: LOL! He can keep his horse. I'm gonna go blow the fuck out of the kaiser.

Liss: LOL! You're gonna blow the kaiser's puffed dandelion.

Deeky: LOL! Shut it, you!

Liss: Callback master! LOL!

Deeky: Fucking lint trap.


Deeky: The kaiser just handed me my ass.

Liss: What are you playing, anyway?

Deeky: Toy Soldiers.

Liss: MARTIKA!!!

Deeky: LOL! I hate you.

Liss: You love me.

Deeky: True.

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