Texting! With Liss and Deeky!

[For those missing Liss during her Blogger exile.]

Liss: ARGH. Fucking Blogger. I am literally watching "The Boyfriend School" with Steve Guttenberg right now.

Deeky: WTF?

Liss: LOLOLOL! I love u, Encore.

Deeky: What year was that made?

Liss: 1990.

Deeky: What???

Liss: I know, right?! LOL.

Deeky: There is something terribly, terribly wrong with the world.

Liss: I swear when this movie came out, it was called "Don't Tell Her It's Me."

Deeky: According to IMDb, that is true.

Liss: I am The Lint Trap. Hear me roar.

Deeky: Oh jebus. That's the one with the really bad wig, isn't it?

Liss: Yes! Where he pretends to be from New Zealand.

Deeky: Tell me his accent is brilliant.

Liss: Brilliant…and Australian.

Deeky: LOL.

Liss: We should start a blog about Steve Guttenberg. Just all Steve Guttenberg, all the time.

Deeky: LOLOLOLOLOL!!! Totes.

Liss: "I hear they're remaking 'Police Academy.' They'd better give Hollywood Legend Steve Guttenberg a cameo in that shit, or there will be HELL TO PAY! He MADE that franchise!" Just like that. All day, every day. Wall-to-wall Guttenberg.

Deeky: Genius. We'll double-handedly revive his career.

Liss: How dare you. He is still a star.

Deeky: Btw, I saw two minutes of "Big Bang Theory" the other day. Vom.

Liss: Totes. That show blowzzz.

Deeky: The premise of the joke was one of the dudes liked "Sex and the City." So, obviously: FAG.


Deeky: You do laugh at me all the time.

Liss: That's true. But it's because you're a buttfor, not because you're a homo.

Deeky: LOL! Shut it.

Liss: TLC, aka The Learning Channel, has a new show called "Mall Cops." Because, y'know, everyone needs to learn about blartology.

Deeky: How does that show even exist?

Liss: I have no fucking idea. "Have you hugged your MALL COP today?"

Deeky: Hey, remember when Billy Idol did that concept album called "Cyberpunk"?

Liss: What was I—dead in the '90s? Of course I remember it.

Deeky: LOL! I dunno. Maybe you were busy being a hobag or something.

Liss: If I stopped being aware of musicians' fuckwit vanity projects because of hobaggery, I wouldn't know shit about shit since the Traveling Wilburys.

Deeky: LOLOLOLOLOL!!! There's nothing like a Traveling Wilburys reference.

Liss: OMFG I HATE BLOGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deeky: It still won't let you in??????

Liss: No! I am getting really fucking irritated.

Deeky: You know why? Someone put a "no fat chicks" sticker on it. So you're out of luck.

Liss: That made me LOL 4 realz.

Deeky: You know what else sucks? That "Rock Me Amadeus" was originally written and recorded in German, but when the song was released in America, all the verses were cut out and replaced with that dumbass narration. So Falco's biggest hit, his only hit really, features virtually no Falco! How sad for him.

Liss: Also: Tom Hulce, who played Amadeus, should have had a better career than he did. I blame Steve Guttenberg.

Deeky: What the fuck did Steve Guttenberg ever do to Tom Hulce?

Liss: Look like him and star in poop.

Deeky: LOL! You think people were getting them confused?

Liss: Not getting them confused—but you know how when there are two stars who kinda look alike, they sorta cross-contaminate each other's careers? No one wants the Gutenberg Taint.

Deeky: "The Guttenberg Taint." Now there's an image I don't need.

Liss: That should be the name of our all-Guttenberg all-the-time blog.

Deeky: LOL! No, no it shouldn't.

Liss: Linky.

Deeky: LOL! You're such an asshole.

Liss: LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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