Quote of the Day

[Actual promotional image from film's official website.]

"I'm sure there are even worse Sandler movies to come for future generations to view as sociological curiosities. In the present moment, though, in the theater during Grown Ups, I felt a deep and abiding sadness every time the audience laughed and the sounds of their chuckles turned into the ringing of the cash register, and all I thought was a sad, simple truth: This, America, is why we can't have nice things."—Film critic James Rocchi, reviewing for MSN Movies the new Adam Sandler-penned masterpiece Grown Ups, a film he describes thus: "Imagine if The Big Chill were made today. And obsessed with flatulence, urine and breast milk. And every female character a hag, a harridan, a harpy or a hottie. And if none of the characters seemed to actually like each other."

[H/T to Iain.]

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