Photo of the Day

Runners up pose with the winner of Mister International Leather 2010, Tyler McCormick. (Some images at the link may not be SFW. Tread lightly.)

McCormick's win is very significant; not only is he the first trans winner of International Mr. Leather, he is (as far as I know) the first person with a physical disability to win. Congratulations, Mr. McCormick!

(Commenting Guidelines: This thread is about McCormick, his win, and the significance of his win; comments regarding the merits/ethics of the leather lifestyle and community will be considered off-topic. One of my coworkers, who is part of the leather community, told me there are, unfortunately and predictably, people in the community who are dismissing McCormick's win with transphobia and disablism; comments of that nature are, as always, off limits at Shakesville.)

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