Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by Deeky's splendid array of fine products for giant hands. All products in the Deeky line come with matching butt plugs. In honor of this consumer-friendly practice, today's blog links are offered in sets, except where not.

Womanist Musings: Calling Someone the N-Word Can get Expensive
- Renee notes that sometimes black folks find justice - but there's a hell of a lot more of it still missing.

Womanist Musings: Monstrous Musings: Is it better to be feared than loved? White ogre identity in Shrek 4
- Renee's guest poster, Natalie Wilson, muses on monsters and the curiously limited color spectrum explored in film animation.

Sociological Images: Learning How to Stand Like a Girl
- Stand up straight! No, not you, honey.

Sociological Images: Charting Welfare Numbers
- Lies, damned lies, and statistics: that third kind may be even more misleading in the form of charts, because they look so definitive.

Family Inequality: Behind the Gendered Workplace
- That 2nd post at Sociological Images led me to its author's blog, where more interesting stuff is to be found.

Mondoweiss: Blinding the Witnesses
- Naomi Klein on Emily Henochowicz, the young U.S. artist who lost an eye when she was shot in the face with a tear gas canister at a West Bank protest against the Israeli raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla.

Thirsty Pixels
- Emily Henochowicz's blog, with pictures of some of her work. Her most recent post is from May 30, the day before she was shot.

Pam's House Blend: O'Reilly: gay-themed French McDonald's ad equivalent to promoting Al Qaeda
- Bill O'Reilly doesn't think some folks should be coming at all, much less as they are.

Pam's House Blend: It's time for the Family Research Council to be classified as an official SPLC "hate group"
- Rep. Howard Berman introduced a sense-of-the-House resolution opposing proposed Ugandan kill-the-gays legislation. The Family Research Council lobbied Congress on it. Do you think they were for or against it?

Black Agenda Report: AFRICOM and the ICC: Enforcing international justice in Africa?
- The U.S. has refused to allow our citizens to be subject to the International Criminal Court, but we may be interested in becoming their Enforcer. How could that not work out well? Samar Al-Bulushi and Adam Branch will tell you.

Ta-Nehesi Coates: Especially the Blacks and the Irish
- They all look alike. Ta-Nehisi Coates reminds us to look to primary documents, and quotes Fanny Kemble.

Ta-Nehesi Coates: Especially the Blacks and the Irish, cont.
- Ta-Nehisi provides some further original images.

ETA: I forgot to add the invitation to drop in comments links to your blog posts or to others you'd like to share. But links, as always, welcome.

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