Forty-one years

This morning marks the forty-first anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion.

I was hoping to do some sort of long-assed post about intersectionality, civil rights, and Sylvia Rivera. Instead, I just want to point out that Rivera (and Marsha P. Johnson, and others) are the reason for the season, as all the kids like to say these days. Rivera has my undying admiration for (among other things) publicly admitting to throwing the second* Molotov cocktail at the Stonewall.

Because I love violent metaphors like Godzilla hates mass transit**, I assume the War On Pride and Queer Assimilation will be won by fabulous floats in the shape of bricks.

* I do have a source for this. I apologize for not being able to get a transcript together, but Rivera did a 25-minute 2001 interview on GenderTalk, where she talked about murder, transphobia, Stonewall, and activism in general.
** A simile, I know.

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