[Insert the Sound of Wild Laughter Here]

Yes, absolutely, we must have THIS:
Jennifer Aniston is joining two studio comedies. She signed on to join the cast of the Seth Gordon-directed New Line comedy Horrible Bosses. At the same time, Universal Pictures has just acquired Wanderlust, a comic vehicle for Aniston to star in with Paul Rudd.

...Judd Apatow will produce.

...Aniston and Rudd will play a married couple trying to escape the trappings of the city life for a counterculture existence.
By going off the grid and living on a hippie commune.

Hippie-bashing is such a totally hip and fresh concept that it can truly only be improved-upon by the cunning use of animal reaction shots. So I hope there are LOTS OF THEM.

Otherwise I may begin to doubt the creeping suspicion that this movie was conceived expressly to annoy me.

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