Dudz at Home

A montage of Dudley chilling at home, set to "Kooks," by David Bowie.

(Also at DailyMotion here.)

Bowie wrote "Kooks" for his son when he was born; we won't be providing Dudz with a crib or enrolling him in school, but if the analogy isn't perfect, the sentiment is nonetheless appropriate: Welcome to our kooky family; we hope you like us and want to stay awhile.

The scene spliced throughout the piece, of Dudz sniffing at a milkbone I've got on offer, then backing up, then coming forward, which eventually ends with his "sitting" to get the treat, took place in our small downstairs bathroom. Although many greyhounds aren't great sitters, because their large thigh muscles make it a rather unnatural position for them, Dudz was a very quick learner with the command. But he'd back up a lot to "sit," sort of backward-walking into a sitting position, and sometimes bump something and startle himself.

So I went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet, where the hallway wall blocked any real opportunity to backward-walk and necessitated his having to "sit" in place. After we practiced that a few times, he had learned to "sit" on the spot without any backing up or startling himself at all.

Now, whenever he wants anything, he "sits" and looks at us with his most adorable face, and if it's treat-, walk-, or dinnertime, and we present him with a treat, leash, or bowl of food, he collapses from his "sit" into a play-bow, with the hugest grin I have ever seen on a dog.

Such a good boy!

[Related: Dudz at the Dog Park.]

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