Doctor Who Open Thread?

(NB: This thread is NOT about any particular episode, and I'd appreciate some thoughtfulness around not putting spoilers in it - I've seen the two Angels eps, but not the Venice one)

So, here's the problem, and I don't know if this happened to US viewers or not.

It's a holiday weekend here in Canada (Victoria Day - yay, happy colonialism day!), and as a result, Space didn't show the new episode last night (Vampires of Venice, or whatever it's called). It's showing next week.

Which means that at least Canada, now, is three episodes behind the UK's broadcast.

So, having not seen "last night's" show, I can't (and don't want to, really) host an Open Thread about it.

So I don't know what to do. I can put the open thread here anyway, and you folk where it's been shown, or those who download, can chatter away about it, and then you can find someone else to do the open threads, because I'm not going to be downloading (for personal ethical reasons), and I'm not going to host threads I can't take part in (because I don't want to spoil my viewing just so y'all can chat about shows I've not seen yet!). Or we can wait another week, and expect weaker discussion because for most of you it'll have been a week (or three weeks) since the episode.

Anyone got any ideas?

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