Beginnings and Endings

Text Onscreen: On September 22, 2004, the journey began.

Daniel Dae Kim (Jin): When we first started, we were all so happy to kind of, uh, meet one another, because we were excited to take this trip together...

Yunjin Kim (Sun): And us being away from our family, our friends, our familiar environment, really brought us really close right from the beginning...

Josh Holloway (Sawyer): I remember we all went to a, to a bar, the cast, after the numbers came out from the pilot, and we celebrated that night. That was really the first night that I believed I could throw away my boxes [laughs] and stick around...

Naveen Andrews (Sayid): It's rare for something to be critically acclaimed and, I guess, acclaimed by the public...

Jorge Garcia (Hurley): When I read the ending, I was, um, I was pretty moved. I actually got kind of emotional...

Matthew Fox (Jack): It's an incredibly rare and rewarding experience, and I feel very, very fortunate to have had it...

Evangeline Lilly (Kate): I came in one person and I'm going out another person, and I'll be forever grateful...

Terry O'Quinn (Locke): I'll miss it terribly. I'll miss John Locke like, like hell...

Lilly (Kate): We want the last frame of the last show to be about these people, who we introduced you to six years ago and carried you on journeys with, um, and leave you with them, and leave you with their stories, which I, I, I think is honorable.

D.D. Kim (Jin): I don't think you could have a conversation about television in the twenty-first century without mentioning Lost.

O'Quinn (Locke): You close a book, and you don't want the book to come to an end, but you close the book, and you go, "God, that was great."

Fox (Jack): I'm so honored and proud to have been a part of it, and I think that it, [pauses, nods] to me, I couldn't have imagined, uh, it coming to an end in a, in such a beautiful way.

Text onscreen: LOST. Series finale.

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