APA Proposed DSM-V "Gender Identity Disorder" Revisions: Update

Shaker EastSideKate emails (which I am publishing with her permission) an update to her post here about the American Psychiatric Association's proposed revisions to the Gender Identity Disorder entry in the upcoming fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V):
Helen's got a couple of posts up at Questioning Transphobia about WPATH's (the professional group that comes up with recommendations for trans-related hoops) response to the whole DSM-V thing. Last night's post had me pretty excited: It sounded like WPATH was going to argue that being trans wasn't a mental illness. This morning's update *with the actual text* of the critique is along the lines of the tepid mess I'd expect.

Not that I'm surprised that a group of allies would try to play things both ways. Particularly a group with WPATH's logo (seriously, folks?).

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