Quote of the Day

"One of the things that's flummoxed [I Dream of Jeannie] writers is how to update the 1960s sitcom, which incorporated more than a few pre-feminist ideas, for anything resembling the modern age. It's hard to imagine that too many stories about an astronaut who keeps a subservient woman in a bottle would play on a contemporary screen, at least those outside a certain kind of movie theater."Steven Zeitchik, in the LA Times, on the difficulties Officially Given-Up Hollywood is having remaking the classic television series about a 2000-year-old female genie who falls in love with and marries her master.

Well, I for one fervently hope that Officially Given-Up Hollywood solves this conundrum, because there just aren't enough films about the whimsical magic of sexual servitude these days. BRING ON THE LAUGH TRACK!

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