
Wal-Mart to Face Massive Class Action Suit:
A sharply divided federal appeals court on Monday exposed Wal-Mart Stores Inc. to billions of dollars in legal damages when it ruled a massive class action lawsuit alleging gender discrimination over pay for female workers can go to trial.

In its 6-5 ruling, the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals said the world's largest private employer will have to face charges that it pays women less than men for the same jobs and that female employees receive fewer promotions and have to wait longer for those promotions than male counterparts.
I'm sure you'll be positively SHOCKED to hear that Wal-Mart has been "fiercely" fighting the lawsuit since it was first brought in 2001. Their novel argument, which was rejected by the court, was that "the number of litigants that the lawsuit purports to represent is too big to defend."

We've discriminated against SO MANY WOMEN you can't possibly let this case go forward!


[H/T to Shaker SamanthaB.]

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