Shakesfilk of a Foreshadow-color! Well, Really, of Announceyness!

CC: When I wake up yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who's driving westerly
SKM: When I go out yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one goan more northwest than she

CC: When I get there yes I know I'm gonna be
I'll be stayin’ with some friends in Illinois*
SKM: And when I get there yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the one who’s makin’ all the noise*

CC: Well I will drive 500 miles
SKM: And I will drive 500 more
Both: And we’ll be the twain who drove 1000 miles
To come through that pub door

As it turns out, both our beloved mod and contributor SKM and Your Humble Narrator will be making it to Chicago for this weekend's meetup after all. I'll be attending with my dear friend the_pixie_mouse, and staying with a Shaker not far from the fabled pub. I'm not sure of SKM's particular plans in that area, but I know she's coming in from her city, which is about the same distance from Chicago as mine - just short of 500 miles.

And if you're thinking you're going to hear us sing a duet, you need to cut back on your hallucinogen intake. :)

* Shh, it's okay. *shows poetic licence*

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