Over the past few days, a pain that hangs out in my left side on a fairly regular basis crawled into my chest, back, left shoulder, and neck, until I was in excruciating pain. There is no comfortable position in which to stand, sit, or lie, because even breathing is agony like I cannot describe. So I went to the doctor yesterday, and I was diagnosed with costochondritis, which is an inflammation of the cartilage and bones in the torso.
To which I can only say: OWWWWowowowOOWWWWOOOOWWWW!!! OW!
I've been prescribed a superstrength anti-inflammatory and rest. I've taken the first, and now I'm going to go do the second. While trying to breathe as little as possible, lolsob.
Touch wood, I'll see you Monday, Shakers.
(Yes, I am aware that chronic costochrondritis could be a symptom of Lupus or fibromyalgia. My doctor sent me for a complete blood work-up yesterday, and I've got a follow-up appointment in two weeks, so that's something about which to worry another day.)
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