Friday Blogaround

This blogaround is brought to you by Shaxco, maker of Downtown Deeky's Miner's Helmets (NSFW explanation here)

I don't know about y'all, but this is what I'm reading right now:

Sujatha Sundar: Memory vs. Memory News: U.S. Census allows same-sex couples in N.J. to identify themselves as married

Southern Fried Science: Ethical Debate: Captive whale sharks

Your Small Kitchen Garden: Start Seeds in Pots for Your Small Kitchen Garden

Two from Ed Yong: Requests work better than orders, even when we're asking or ordering ourselves; and
Attack of the killer tomato fungus driven by mobile weapons package

A Public Space: An Irrelevant Writer: Shen Congwen by Yiyun Li

Via Reading Local: Portland, the Writer's Dojo is accepting applications for their 2010 Writer-in-Residency program at Sitka Center for Art and Ecology. The application deadline is April 9th.

The Institute of Urban Homesteading in Oakland, California has added another Cheesemaking 101 class on April 27th, since their others are full. Here is a complete calendar of their classes. You might want to check them out if you are in the area and can afford $30-$50 in fees.

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