
Really, New York Times? You really found it appropriate to headline an article about a prominent lactation consultant "The Breast Whisperer"?

Because I—like most people, I imagine—associate that phrase with "The Horse Whisperer" and "The Dog Whisperer." (And maybe "The Ghost Whisperer.") Last time I checked, my breasts were not animals. (Nor were they imaginary phantoms.) In fact, they weren't actually a separate entity from me of any kind at all.

Breasts are not independent, sentient beings. They are part of the human anatomy. Lactating breasts are (generally) part of the female human anatomy only, but that doesn't mean that they are the sum total of a female human.

A professional lactation consultant is not a "breast whisperer." She is a resource for people. Female people. Who are more than the sum of their parts. And baby people. Who, as it happens, tend to be the ones who need the help.

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