NQDTR Discussion Thread – T230210

Hiya, Shakers, time for another Discussion Thread for the Not Quite Daily Teaspoon Report!

This is the thread in which you may offer congratulations or admiration for a teaspoon or teaspooner. Remember that no one is required to read here just because they posted over there, so there's no guarantee you'll get a response to a given comment.

You may notice I've moved this sentence:

If you're posting with just congrats or admiration, though, do take a moment and check the thread to see whether other people have said so a number of times already.

I don't say removed, because I'm not sure about that yet.

So far, we haven't really had a problem with having threads becoming unwieldy here, and I'm wondering whether people would be more okay with relaxing this thread (not the NQDTR itself!) to allow those congratulatory/admiring comments. Feel free to have this discussion in this post - maybe if you're posting in response to this question, indicate as such at the top of the comment (say, label it "Metadiscussion" or something), so we don't make the thread unusable for its actual purpose. :)

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