Question of the Day

A few years ago I was Googling for something else and happened to come across the name and e-mail of a friend I had made the day after our family moved into our new house. That was in 1957 and I was four at the time. We stayed close friends even after his family moved to Florida. (In fact, through his invitation I visited here for the first time in 1966 and it obviously had an impact on me.) I lost touch with him when he joined the Navy, but that afternoon I dropped him an e-mail. He responded immediately and we've reconnected via phone and -- of course -- Facebook. We even met up in person when I passed through Chicago a couple of years ago. It's great to make new friends, of course, but there's something good in keeping in touch with someone who's known you all your life. So...

Are you still in touch with your best friend from childhood?

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