Monday Blogaround

Today's Blogaround brought to you by Shaxco, makers of Pat Robertson Talking Action Figure, now with sufficient flexibility to fit both feet in its mouth at once! Available in Snide & Sexist, Rude & Racist, Horrible & Homophobic, and many, many more! Start your collection today!

Tiger Beatdown: Breaking awards show news

Mongoose Chronicles: RIP Myriam Merlet - another loss to the earthquake in Haiti

WitchWords: Wednesday WTF/Words Mean Things: Rape, again (about the word, rather than the act)

Jump Off the Bridge: The "No Abortion Ban" Campaign (video with transcript and commentary)

What Tami Said: Tami's Favorite Music: Up to the Mountain (MLK song) (in honour of the US' MLK Day today)

Small Strokes, Big Oaks: Teaching Feminism: Everyday Activism

Womanist Musings: Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Legacy Ignored

Think Weird Thoughts: The Absurdities of Advertising

Also, a webcomic I happen to be really enjoying, about geeklife: Weregeek.

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