The Mind Reels

According to this story in the NY Post (super-relevant headline: "Club Paddles Stripper Suit")*, a strip club owner is claiming that two of his former employees lack "sufficient moral character" to sue him for lost wages. You know, because they're strippers. The turpitude!

The backstory: More than 200 current and former employees of Rick's Cabaret in Manhattan are suing the company's owner for $5 million, claiming that the club charged patrons $24 for each lap dance but only paid the dancers $18. Additionally, the employees charge that Rick's charged them $50 a shift for the use of its poles and stages—a common practice known as the "stage fee" or "house fee," a nightly fee for the right to work the floor.

It's hard to ignore the irony of a man who peddles women's flesh for a living chastising two of those women for lacking sufficient "moral character." In a statement to the Post, the women's attorney called the charges "evidence of the defendant's desperation in the face of overwhelming case law holding that their practices are unlawful."

It's still unclear whether the case will move forward.

* As you might guess, the comments at the link are not recommended.

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