Haiti Open Thread

[Trigger warning.]

Washington Post: Haiti's elite spared from much of the devastation.

Guardian: Cruise ships still find a Haitian berth.

UKPA: Haiti victims wait for food and aid.

NPR: Doctors Without Borders Says Coordination of Aid Still Not Sufficient in Haiti.

IOL: 'A choice between life and death':
Doctors helping survivors of the earthquake in Haiti have turned to conducting surgeries in the streets of Port-au-Prince, the head of Doctors Without Borders in Haiti told the German Press Agency dpa.

The international organization Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) has long been active in Haiti, operating three hospitals in Haitian capital Port-au-Prince alone. However, the hospitals all suffered such severe damages in Tuesday's devastating quake that they can no longer be used.

"The most important thing is saving human lives. That is what we have been trying to do from the start, and we will continue to do it," said Dutch doctor Hans van Dillen, who leads the organization's team in Haiti.

"There is a huge number of extraordinarily-seriously injured. Now, so many days after the quake, the situation is not getting better. This means that we have to carry out a large number of amputations of arms and legs. Saving human lives without any medical equipment, that is the challenge at hand."

Most people in Haiti do not even want to hear of going into hospitals, just like many of them are scared to go home amid fear of aftershocks.

"People are so traumatized that they refuse to go into buildings, no matter how good the condition they are in. That is why we have taken out medical equipment outdoors and have started to perform surgery in the open air."

"We have even done amputations there. For example yesterday, with a fallen tree trunk as an operating table. There is no alternative. It is a choice between life and death."
Donate to Doctors Without Borders here.

ABC: Haiti Earthquake: How You Can Help Victims. I haven't evaluated all the charities listed in this piece, and there are a couple to which I wouldn't personally contribute for various reasons (e.g. high administrative costs), so be sure to do your own research before donating. It's a good place to start, though. Please feel free to make recommendations for or against individual charities in comments.

PC World: Apple Adds iTunes Store Page for Haiti Donations.

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