Haiti Open Thread

[Trigger warning.]

CNN: Fears of lawlessness grow amid chaos in Haiti.
Fears of civil strife grew Friday in earthquake-ravaged Haiti as emergency crews raced against the clock to rescue those trapped under rubble and to keep survivors alive, fed and sheltered.

Despite relative calm, there were reports of sporadic looting and violence after Tuesday's 7.0-magnitude earthquake clobbered the capital, affecting millions of people and possibly killing tens of thousands.

"If help doesn't come quickly, it probably will [get worse]," Agnes Pierre-Louis, manager of the Le Plaza hotel in Port-au-Prince. "We're not hearing anything from the government. We're not seeing any foreign aid yet."

...Former President Clinton told CNN's "American Morning" on Friday that the military's major priority should be to distribute supplies, get people radios, arrange adequate shelters and develop lighted areas at night.

"You've got unprecedented numbers of the people roaming the streets at night with no place to sleep. They haven't had any sleep in two days. They don't have water. They don't have food," said Clinton, the U.N. special envoy to Haiti.

"Think how you would feel if you lost everything? You were wandering around streets at night, they were all dark; you were tripping over bodies, living and dead, and you didn't have water to drink or food to eat. That's what we're facing now. That's what we've got to get through now."
Also from CNN: Voices from Haiti. This is a repeatedly updated section in which CNN is "collecting stories from bloggers, residents and Twitter users on the ground to share in their own words what they are seeing in different cities in Haiti following the earthquake."

LA Times: Relief groups struggle to aid desperate Haiti quake victims.

Reuters: U.N. to launch Haiti emergency appeal for $550 million.

BusinessWeek: Haiti Fundraising Accelerates Through Tweets, YouTube Appeals.

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