Question of the Day

What's your favorite New Year's Eve movie? That is, a movie about or featuring scenes of a New Year's Eve.

There are loads of great old black-and-white NYE films—and not a few modern ones of various quality, too: Holiday Inn, Holiday, Show Boat, An American in Paris, Sunset Boulevard, Remember the Night, The Poseidon Adventure, When Harry Met Sally, Waiting to Exhale, Hudsucker Proxy, Bridget Jones' Diary, While You Were Sleeping, 200 Cigarettes, About a Boy, and, of course, the classics Happy New Year, Charlie Brown and Rudolph's Shiny New Year, just for a start.

I've got to give my vote to The Apartment, starring the amazing Shirley MacLaine and Jack Lemmon. If you've not seen it, don't watch the following clip, as it's the last few minutes of the movie and thus a big spoiler. I always blub at this scene. "Shut up and deal." Perfect.

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