Oh, Goody

[Trigger warning.]

Sounds like Hollywood's Official FeministTM might have another great project in the works:
[Steve Carell and Tina Fey], who will be seen opposite each other in next year's "Date Night," are loosely attached to star in "Mail-Order Groom," a Warner Bros. comedy about a naive single woman who can't find love and ends up with a husband from Eastern Europe, bringing him home to the States.
Here's something to notice about the entertainment industry's basic recipe for a particular genre of comedy: The main ingredient is some moderately tragic to undilutedly terrible thing that happens disproportionately to women—finding themselves in a circumstance in which their best option for a good life is marrying a foreign man who may be (pdf) actively searching for someone to victimize, for example—and the secret ingredient is a twist of gender. As soon as a man is subjected to that thing, suddenly it's a high-liarious comedy!

I mean, come on—domestic violence and rape have never been so zany!

On a personal note, I can't wait for this movie to come out so I can hear jokes about how I ordered Iain on the internet all over again.

[H/T to Shaker Julia.]

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