This is a real thing in the world.

[Click to embiggen.]

Maybe I've just reached the point of maniacal slap-happiness on a troubled Friday afternoon, but I'm pretty sure this is genius.

Everything about it is making me weep with laughter. The fact that this story is an "exclusive." Jon says "namaste!" The yoga expert weighing in on what his form means. The related content, especially "Report: Jon Gosselin Avoided Jon Gosselin Lookalikes on Halloween." The baby back ribs ad. And the photo. Oh Maude, the beautiful, glorious photo. It's a fucking picture of Jon Gosselin doing yoga! OMG.

Even better? This exclusive photo gallery is linked from: "EXCLUSIVE: Jon Gosselin Does Yoga!"—a story which informs us that "The latest stop on his quest for inner peace was a yoga studio at a Los Angeles hotel Nov. 5," and quotes the yoga expert gravely noting, "I'm sure with all that has been going on in Jon's life, things are out of whack. He's got to let go of external distractions and tap into his spirituality."

Totes. Megatotes.


[In case it's not evident, I'm not making fun of Jon Gosselin; I'm making fun of the media coverage. This is not an invitation to wantonly mock Jon Gosselin, or ridicule Kate Gosselin, or pass judgment on their reproductive choices.]

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