SYTYCD Open Thread

[Spoiler warning if you don't know who was voted off last night.]

Legacy and Kathryn got my vote for best performance again last night. This Stacey Tookey-choreographed piece was just amazing; Legacy and Kathryn danced it beautifully, and I found it incredibly moving (and personally meaningful). It was Iain's favorite, too.

As regards the eliminations, I was sad and disappointed to see Bianca go. I strongly suspect she was a casualty of Channing needing a stronger partner. Phillip was definitely going home (and deservedly so); if they'd sent Noelle home, Channing would have been partnered with Russell, who probably wouldn't have been strong enough for her, either. Victor, on the other hand, is probably big and powerful enough to successfully partner Channing. I think their decision came down not to whether Bianca was better than Noelle, but whether she was better than Channing.

None of which changes the fact that they've now sent home four people of color and none of the white contestants.

Bianca looked hella pissed, and I don't blame her—even though I think partnering Channing with Victor instead of Russell will keep Russell in the competition longer, which I count as a good thing, since he's one of my favorites.

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