Caitie Camera Card: A Selection

Three semi-random photos I just downloaded off my camera, in lieu of an actual post.

My dear friend the_pixie_mouse is in town (from their home in the US) with her husband so they could attend some Hallowe'en parties, and a Samhain dinner being held by my girlfriend in Toronto.

She's a big fan of costuming, and so Hallowe'en is one of her favourite times of year. She picked a theme for all three of us to attend in (they're staying with me while they visit), this one being Alice in Wonderland - specifically, the Tea Party. So he went as the Mad Hatter (he had an amazingly huge hat on, but I have no good pictures of him). And the_pixie_mouse dressed as Alice herself, leaving your CaitieCat, of course, to play the White Rabbit.

I was sore enough that I wasn't able to stand easily for the picture, but this is the_pixie_mouse (on your right) and CaitieCat (à votre gauche) on the couch at a party hosted by a friend.

And my personal favourite for best-executed costume tonight, Black Hat Man from xkcd.

I took this one a couple of weeks ago, while out walking in a nearby wood with some friends, fighting off The Black Dog*. I shot this image up a tree in that little wood, and came home a much happier woman than when I'd left. I'm very fortunate to have a lot of really wonderful friends.

* As Winston Churchill was well-known to use this image before me, I use the companionship of The Black Dog as a metaphor for depression. This in no way implies that I don't like dogs, nor even dark-furred dogs; in fact, I'm very much "dog people", and adore dogs of all shapes, sizes and colours. :)

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