Um, Okay

Sandra Bullock:
[My mom] did what she did and didn't care what people thought. But as a kid, I was like, 'Oh, dear God, please make her stop and be normal.' I wanted an ordinary mom. My sister, Gesine, and I were lucky enough to be raised by a mother who did things unconventionally, and a father who was fine with the kids being raised that way. There was no gender in our house. I didn't realize that I couldn't do what boys could do, because my dad raised me as a boy.
There was no gender in our house…my dad raised me as a boy.

You see, because male is default human and to be female means you have a gender.

(From the same interview, I also love: "If you don't have kids and animals, you don't truly know what real life is about." I never tire of being told I am incomplete because I do not want to be a parent. Wheeeeee!)

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