Piss Off, Cigna

Normally, this pristine flipping of the bird is reserved for the Senate's resident cranky piss-ant, James Inhofe. Cigna, however, has surpassed all necessary requirements to earn the privilege of receiving the mighty bird.

In December of 2007, I posted about Cigna's refusal to cover Nataline Sarkisyan's life-saving liver transplant. After finally caving to intense pressure, they reversed their decision and agreed to cover the transplant. Their decision came too late, as Nataline died in the interm, while they were no doubt discussing how the coverage would impact their bottom line for the quarter.

Eight months later, Nataline's mother, Hilda, went with a bunch of supporters to Cigna's headquarters in Philadelphia to demand an apology from them for killing her daughter (video below the fold). In addition to not getting anything substantial from the PR hack sent to deal with the crowd, several Cigna employees heckled Hilda, with one of them even flipping her the bird. So, what I get out of this is that Cigna reserves the right to be a "death panel" and kill your child by denying coverage, with the added bonus of telling you to fuck off if you happen to visit their headquarters.

It's too bad for Cigna, an entity consumed by its desire for profits, that the Sarkisyans will be able to sue them over the emotional distress for the treatment they received that day in Philly:
"You guys killed my daughter," the diminutive San Fernando Valley real estate agent declared at the lobby security desk. "I want an apology."

What she got was something quite different.

Cigna employees, looking down into the atrium lobby from a balcony above, began heckling her, she said, with one of them giving her "the finger." [...]

U.S. District Judge Gary Allen Feess said the Sarkisyans could pursue damages for any emotional distress caused by the Philadelphia incident.
I can't think of any jury that would find in favor of Cigna in this case. And boy oh boy, how happy are they going to be with that handful of employees that will cost them all of that settlement money? Wouldn't it be a pity if those employees' jobs suddenly got eliminated and *gasp* they didn't have an insurance plan to fall back on?

So, to Cigna and its heckling asshat employees I offer a clear and unequivocal: PISS OFF.

Oh, and Harry, Jimmy, Trent, wherever you are out there, PISS OFF TO YOU TOO!

[H/T to Shaker Tracee]

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