Shaker Help Request

by Shaker Quixotess, a fat dreamer who lives in Seattle, misses the bus, and laughs at her own cooking.

I sometimes like to send my friends poetry or song lyrics, if we had a fun time together recently, or if she seems depressed lately, or if I was just thinking of him, or for no particular reason.

The trouble is, many poems that I've found are specific to one type of relationship: romantic or erotic love between two people. Anyone looking for an evocation of that kind of love can find what they want; but I want poems that express a love which is not specific to that type of relationship. For example, I've used /Wild Geese/ by Mary Oliver and the first verse of "Unchained Melody."

Can Shakers recommend poetry, or poets, or songs whose lyrics work as a piece to be read, that deal with love between friends, or that can be read in other contexts than that of the romantic or erotic?

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